09 April 2014


I had a pretty bad weekend just gone. On Sunday at about 9:05am in the morning I had a seizure and Candy rang up the emergency service and it took them about 20 minutes to get me back to semi-normal. I have no memory of most of Sunday which Candy is glad about, she was really scared. I even bit down hard on my tongue that the teeth marks are still visible. I was rushed to James Cook Hospital as I was diagnosed with a chest infection and I had an x-ray which they could not find anything wrong with me, so I was monitored and given lots of anti-biotics. My lower back got damaged due to having the fit, and it still hurts now, I think I must have twisted some muscles. I was discharged around 7:30pm-ish on Monday evening. They could not find anything wrong with me but I have been referred to a seizure clinic to see if it is anything serious/long term. I do need to see my GP about my so-called infection as the doctors in the hospital could not find anything to cause it. I admit I am a bit scared about this and I did scare my Candy, which I have said sorry and I’d promised not to do that again! Candy is now watching me like a hawk, even more so than she did before!

28 September 2013


Being that the café is closed at the weekend in the hospital, I have no idea what to about food.
Candy is off to Morrisons this morning to get some sausage rolls and chicken bites,
etc for breakfast/lunch/dinner for today which should be alright but tomorrow I don’t know what to do as Candy can not afford the taxi fare as it is £25 both ways (£50 for the day in travelling).
Now the food here that they provide on the ward is barely edible,
it would be either cold, lots of fat on the meat based product, or it would look grey!
Now Candy could buy two lots of food today for tomorrow as well which is okay, but she won’t get to see me tomorrow.
I know she will go stir crazy over that and so will I but she could spend the time continuing packing up the stuff in the flat!
Now how do I convince her about this?
Answers on a postcard please.

27 September 2013


The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. starts tonight on CH4


I just had the worse hour in a while.
My stomach just went crazy and I needed to rush to the toilet,
I almost fell to the floor whilst I was transferring from the bed to my wheelchair and I really banged the underside of Mavis. (right stump),
I then tried to get into the small bathroom whilst banging the sink basin and the disabled handles and then I almost fell off again when I was getting on the toilet seat.
Flipping Eck!
Anyway I managed everything else without incident and I’m back on my bed being comforted by watching Hollyoaks.

02 September 2013


The actor named James Spader has been cast as the voice and possible motion capture avatar of the robotic super-villain ULTRON!
in the upcoming superhero movie AVENGERS 2: AGE OF ULTRON.


We had a rather exciting afternoon today, as we were going through a corridor downstairs,
the fire alarms started going off and all the shutters started to close down on the Jewellers, Costa Coffee, and WHSmith.
Everybody started to evacuate in the surrounding area (Yellow Zone)
and it was quite frightening as we had no idea what was happening.
Even the fire brigade turned up and marched in like a force of nature.
We all stayed outside for at least 40 mins before going back in and Candy asked a lady from Costa what happened and it turned out that someone broke a glass cabinet in the jewellers and the alarm was set off.
Which on it’s own sounded very weird and not right.
I shall check out the gossip grapevine tonight or tomorrow for further details.

28 August 2013


Since I have been in hospital now for 10 weeks I have lost 6 stone in weight and 4 stone in the loss of my legs.
I weigh now 17.5 stone, when I arrived here I was nearly 27 stone.
Pretty good except the loss of my legs.
Plenty of exercise, and not eating the crap food that they serve has done me some good.
I do eat one meal a day and that has always been something decent from the restaurant downstairs.


Well so far it has been 5 weeks since I stopped taking my Insulin Injections
and 10 weeks since I stopped taking my Metaformin tablets
and my sugar levels have now levelled between 5-9
now with a spike of above 10+ whenever I eat Fish or have sugar in my cornflakes or coffee.
So it looks like I have my Diabetes in recession now
but I will still need to speak to someone from the Diabetic team to find out more.
I’m really pleased about this outcome,
I think I deserve some good luck coming my way and this might just be part of it.

24 August 2013


The actor who will play the new Batman in the upcoming movie -
Superman vs. Batman which is due out in 2015 has been named as Ben Affleck
who played another superhero in a Marvel movie -
Now the choice for Batman has not gone down well for the fan boys,
and I admit he is not my first choice for the Caped Crusader.
I would have picked a British actor, someone like Richard Armitage.
I wonder if Matt Damon will play Robin?

23 August 2013


I have just started writing ideas and intro notes for an upcoming story idea I have called The WitchBinder Series.
The main character of the book is named Oakly Roberts who is a WitchBinder
on a quest to defend his world from the forces of the evil witches that have invaded.
I still have not worked out how the story comes out,
either as a novel or a comic book or both!
Candy loves what I’ve written so far,
Well she loves everything I write and my ideas.